Monday 25 May 2009

Third Transmission from the starship "Look Lively" to Planetary Anthropology Research Foundation (PARF), Arcturus IX

by Kieron McFadden


Please stand by. Mission report follows. SS Look Lively

Standing by, Look Lively. PARF, Arcturus IX

Subject: Economic dislocation and constraint of indigenous humanoid cultures.

Species H11431 is believed to have migrated to Earth from galactic origin unknown (data may be forthcoming from the Department of Galactic Migrations, Records and Mapping) approximately 50 000 years ago, based on available evidence. See our data file CC1101011 transmitted earlier.

Over time a great deal of degeneration has occurred and the original race regressed to barbarism and has been in the grip of a Dark Age for at least the past 20 000 years. Current scene is one of considerable disarray, confusion, irrational behaviour and barbarity, with civilized and lucid pockets scattered here and there like peaceful islands in a raging sea.

In short, although there are signs that a recovery may be under way and an end to Earth's Dark Age may be immanent, species H11431 currently lives in a mismanaged mess, it refers to as "civilization," despite a veritable mountain of evidence to the contrary.

Humankind en masse is erratic, inconsistent and contradictory. We find it in fact considerably annoying and are not surprised that no intelligent race the length and breadth of the galaxy wants to come here. We suspect, and are hunting evidence to confirm, that species H11431 may be drugged, either via the Oxygen/Nitrogen atmosphere or the global H2O stocks.

The inhabitant "intelligent" race presents a not unprecedented but nevertheless rare anomoly in that the species is split into various sub-species known as "Races" or "Nations" and these behave towards one another as predators. In the absence of any other challenge to his survival, Man has elected himself as his own predator, which is a very foolish thing to do! Most humans recognize that it is foolish but all of them blame someone else and expect someone else to fix it.

Not content with the correct and logical course of targeting the natural environment as its survival suppressor, this species has added its fellow humans as survival suppressors as well, thus outnumbering and overwhelming itself.

In the face of such gormless conduct it has proven difficult for us to maintain scientific detachment and resist the temptation to knock some heads together. There is a degree also of contagion of Man's aberrations. After a period of time in proximity with this species and being forced to witness its frantic lunacy, one begins oneself to feel somewhat loopy.

Nevertheless, we persist with our mission and maintain our self discipline in the face of severe provocation.

As for the method of producing debt as a means of exchange, the exact method becomes lost in the noise of a frantic and disturbed global anarchy. We are still trying to fathom how this is done and more bewilderingly how the perpetrators manage to get away with it.

Very few of Earth's inhabitants seem to have spotted that anything is wrong with their money system. Incredibly, the majority of Earth's five billion inhabitants seem to believe that the chaos that passes for economics and commerce here is normal. We believe that this is because no-one has ever experienced anything other than economic dislocation, instability, periodic collapse, punititve taxation and general economic mayhem. Consequently, no-one here has a concept of what a properly run economic system would look like.

Alternatively, there are drugs in the water supply. We are still investigating.

The truth is down there.

Signed, SS Look Lively, Earth orbit

Thank you, Look Lively. We appreciate that understanding of Earth's situation may take longer to achieve than we realized. We urge you therefore to please remain calm and continue your investigation. PARF, Arcturus IX


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